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Tire Wheel & Trim Care
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Tire Wheel & Trim Care
Tire Wheel & Trim Care
Oberk Tire Cleaner is a void that's been waiting to be filled on my site in all honesty. You don't want to be using solvents on your tires repeatedly when prepping for a dressing. If your tires are loaded up with bloom or a faded out dressing, this is one of two ways I'd suggest getting the job done.
This dedicated tire cleaner sprays on and clings to the sidewall, pulls the bloom and browning up, and you can either give this a full rinse off OR simply towel it off. From use on multiple tires manufacturers and levels of 'dirty', Tire Cleaner does require brushing and agitation to solve the issue and get the tires where you want them to be before they can be properly dressed. The product sticks to the surface like a gel and should be given time to work before agitation. Fully rinse OR fully wipe down with a towel necessary, air dry before dressing tires with the product of your choice. When done right, this is VERY effective, and better than doing constant solvent wipes on the rubber.
It's super important when cleaning tires that you're working in ideal conditions- out of direct sun and not at the hottest time of day. This will help you avoid issues like random splotches or staining which you'll just have to repeat the process correctly to resolve.
I suggest you use a junky towel with this process of you're wiping the sidewalls down, it makes NO sense to use anything of higher quality.
16oz and 32oz come with spray head
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